
A Quick Trip Down Memory Lane…
What's so special about the number 153? It's a triangular number. It's an Armstrong number. It's also how long we've been manufacturing pressure vessels here in Newark...

Need a Quick Solution?
Ex-stock Carbon Steel Air Receivers available now. Supplied with PESR 2016 or PED certification, UKCA/UKNI or CE marked, we're waiting for your call!

Abbotts Christmas Video! The Tale of the Little Blowdown Vessel
The Abbott & Co. Christmas Video is here! Please enjoy The Tale of the little Blowdown Vessel and we hope that it brings you a little Christmas cheer!

Air Receivers for Nightingale field hospitals
Times have changed recently. Change beyond what any of us could probably have imagined. The Coronavirus has certainly changed the world. Read what we are doing with our Air Receivers at Abbott & Co. to add our share to the collective pie.

Abbotts Airtec Tradestand at NEC
Abbotts had an action packed 3 days at the Birmingham NEC @airtechexpo. This is a bi-annual exhibition for people like us who manage to get excited by compressed air ! Thanks so much for our many visiting customers, and fellow exhibitors - you…

An Inspector Calls
Ahh JB Priestly I hear you say ! .. Alas no, here at Abbotts the inspector tends to be from an insurance company or classification society - today our inspector is Steve Dickson (LHS) from BV - Bureau Veritas ! Seen below inspecting a vessel…

100 years ago today
The Newark Advertiser's "100 Years ago today" column, featured Abbotts this week.
Brace yourselves - It's slightly less boring than you might think - and stirring stuff too..
Picture Below
The text reads:
Ald. J.C Wright presided…

Gordon sizes up his next job !
Gordon knows how to tackle this - with a conservative estimate of 5 vessels a week (not all this big) he's assembled and welded over 8000 Vessels over the last 37 years at Abbotts - not limited to welding, Gordon keeps us supplied with eggs…

WW1 – Abbott Role of Honour
A summer holiday visit to Ypres in Flanders Field Museum and the National Memorial Arboretum prompts a worthy dusting off and digital 'remembrance' of Abbotts WW1 Role of honour below - lest we forget.
Puts our woes of today into…

Ready for a new challenge
Abbotts works bike has been dusted off for a fresh challenge in support of local Beaumond House Hospice - any suggestions and support welcome !
The British designed & built Boardman bike serviced by Andy Swain in…

Abbotts Twitter
Check out out Twitter feed for lighter hearted moments

Abbott Brand Image
Photo below of Abbotts brand - this is the real deal rather than something dreamt up by a London design agency ! It hangs on an old nail in our archives - but was probably heated in the furnace and used to burn the brand into packing…

Abbott Brand Image
Photo below of Abbotts brand - this is the real deal rather than something dreamt up by a London design agency ! It hangs on an old nail in our archives - but was probably heated in the furnace and used to burn the brand into packing…

Tough Mudders for Charity
We are fund raising for Beaumond House Hospice any help would be appreciated.
Abbotts is sponsoring a team (including our MD) to put themselves to the test on a 12 mile tough mudder assault course.
Please donate at: https://www.justgiving…

Tough Mudders for Charity
We are fund raising for Beaumond House Hospice any help would be appreciated.
Abbotts is sponsoring a team (including our MD) to put themselves to the test on a 12 mile tough mudder assault course.
Please donate at: https://www.justgiving…

Steam Flash Vessels by Abbotts
Look at these photos below - Despite looking like a cross between Doctor Who and Gullivers Travels these two pressure vessels have been dispatched to Singapore where they will be Installed deep inside a rig where they will then travel all the…

Steam Flash Vessels by Abbotts
Look at these photos below - Despite looking like a cross between Doctor Who and Gullivers Travels these two pressure vessels have been dispatched to Singapore where they will be Installed deep inside a rig where they will then travel all the…

Newark MP visit to Abbotts
Remember Newark was briefly on the news when Nigel Farage and UKIP tried for the seat after Our last MP Patrick Mercer resigned last year over a cash for questions fracas - well the new Newark MP Robert Jenrick visited recently for…

Abbotts in House of commons !!
Fame at last - Abbotts is specifically referenced by our Local MP Robert Jenrick (con) - where he / we fight for British maritime sector - see footage on UTube linked below.

100 Years ago – Abbotts goes to Fight for King and Vountry !
Clipping from our local paper "The Newark Advertiser" from Jan 13 1915

HSE report on Failed Air Receivers ( not Abbotts !)
10 air receivers were tested and 10 air receivers failed.
There are massive savings (and PROFITS) to be made by reducing the shell of an air receiver by 1mm.
The 25% savings by taking 1mm off a 4mm thick Air Receiver is massive, and so is…

Seasons Greetings & Air Receivers ON TIME !
One last (but urgent) lorry load of air receivers and pressure vessels despatched on time for our valued customers ready for installation in various factories throughout the UK during the Christmas closures.
Abbotts thanks its customers for…

Hoval Pressure Vessel Refurbished
This Hoval pressure vessel picture below has been refurbished at our works in Newark
The Hoval air receiver was blasted and the shell and ends thickness tested. The weld seams were ultrasonic tested (they were good !) and finally the Hoval…

An Abbotts group photo in the buff….
This tasty selection presented in all positions displays an elegant range of pressure vessels in the buffed state (pre painting) - for the more adventurous perhaps ? - Enjoy !!