EN 286-3:1995 Air Braking Reservoirs for Trains
We design, and build air receivers to EN 286-3:1995 Air Braking Reservoirs for Rolling Stock
We also refurbish EN 286-3 Compressed Air Reservoirs for trains - This involves detailed inspection , shot blasting…
BS 799-5:2010 Oil Storage Tanks from Abbotts – Square ?
BS 799-5:2010 Oil Storage Tanks ?
Abbotts have been making cylindrical pressure vessels since 1870. Recently we have expanded our range - quite literally 'broken the mould' - and made some SQUARE ones!
Great British Pressure Vessels
This week we have a few of these going out ! Large thermal stores #pressurevessels #british #manufacturing
Built to PD5500 and only just fitting out of the door !
A Brief History of Steam – 150 Year Plans.
History PhD student required?
Whilst we focus on our future & current capability to produce pressure vessels heat exchangers and air receivers for a variety of industries, it's hard to ignore that we've got a bit of history behind us.
Keeping the wheels of British industry turning in the snow !
British bike outside the British factory having a bit of British weather stuck to the leading edge of the frame ! Don't worry we are in work and producing pressure vessels for you.
Call that Snow ?
This was INSIDE Abbotts pressure vessel factory IN 1978 when Snow was real snow !
Taken by one of our welders who is still welding for us today !
I would like to say conditions have much improved ..
Abbott Pressure Vessels on Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carriers.
Having built pressure vessels for the Navy for over 147 years we have been recognised by the MOD in their recent carrier launch publicity !
With our Lloyds Class 1 and Naval approvals our pressure vessels were used for air receivers,…
New Rolls Anyone ?
No not the sort of Rolls you pull up outside Buckingham Palace in -we have bought Dennis a brand new set of bending rolls !
4 roll double pinch, and 3 meters long they are more precise, larger and faster which will improve our quality,…
Darren’s Fame – and plating skills ..
Darren here is doing his utmost to look confident that he has correctly marked out this rather complicated flash vessel. This EN13445 pressure vessel extracts excess water from very high temperature steam (at a goodly pressure too).
Pressure Vessel with integral picnic table ?
Pressure vessels find themselves used in a wonderful mix of applications.
The picture below is of a chilled water buffer vessel for an industrial cooling application with a pump to be mounted on the plate (by our client)
The opportunity…
SST Process Engineering Heat Exchangers from Abbotts
SST Process Engineering in Grantham - For over a year we have been working with the staff of SST Process Engineering with more than 70 years combined experience of making Heat Exchangers.
Since then we have made a cracking job of a variety…
Size isn’t everything !
These small pressure vessels may not be the biggest pressure vessels we have produced this week but at 18 litres should be more than enough to satisfy our customers needs - this is because they are designed to ASME div 8 and CE Marked…
10 Reasons why you should buy Abbott’s vessels!
1. With Abbott air receivers, you literally get more for your money - in some cases the steel is ACTUALLY TWICE as thick! - Ours are a minimum of 5mm. Your customers DO notice this - and will recognise you sell on quality ... if you sell on…
Abbotts Airtec Tradestand at NEC
Abbotts had an action packed 3 days at the Birmingham NEC @airtechexpo. This is a bi-annual exhibition for people like us who manage to get excited by compressed air ! Thanks so much for our many visiting customers, and fellow exhibitors - you…
Could you sell Steam Accumulators to your Clients ?
With such a focus on energy efficiency and carbon footprint it is strange that more steam accumulators aren't being installed and used.
Could your clients save money by having a steam accumulator to smooth out peaks and troughs…
An Inspector Calls
Ahh JB Priestly I hear you say ! .. Alas no, here at Abbotts the inspector tends to be from an insurance company or classification society - today our inspector is Steve Dickson (LHS) from BV - Bureau Veritas ! Seen below inspecting a vessel…
We have capacity….
Can we do anything else for you ?
Over the last few years we have set our stall out with buckets of training, new cranes, CNC plasma and welding gear, and FINALLY we have spare capacity to turn on, so we should cope comfortably with whatever…
100 years ago today
The Newark Advertiser's "100 Years ago today" column, featured Abbotts this week.
Brace yourselves - It's slightly less boring than you might think - and stirring stuff too..
Picture Below
The text reads:
Ald. J.C Wright presided…
Gordon sizes up his next job !
Gordon knows how to tackle this - with a conservative estimate of 5 vessels a week (not all this big) he's assembled and welded over 8000 Vessels over the last 37 years at Abbotts - not limited to welding, Gordon keeps us supplied with eggs…
Industrial and Marine silencers
For many years we have manufactured industrial and marine CE marked and ASME designed for some of our highly valued (and rather clever when it comes to sound attenuation) clients - they do the tricky stuff on silencer design and we do the pressure…
Starter Motor for a warship anyone
Since making boilers for the admiralty in 1870 we continue to make compressed air start vessels for the main Diesel engines for Royal Navy contractors
The 1500 ltr 40 bar compressed air start receivers being painted here are designed and built…
Will it fit out the door ?
"Almost probably" was the confident answer ....
... followed by the buzz of a stihl saw and 8 inches of brickwork removed from either side - British engineering problem solving at its finest ! This was 2005 before we "properly"…