Manufacturing quality Pressure Vessels

Manufacturing quality Pressure Vessels, whilst keeping the costs competitive, and the customers happy. It sounds a tough balancing act doesn’t it? Indeed it is! But as it’s October its the Abbott & Co. Financial Year end. And it all needs to add up.

Not only do we need to look at capital expenditure, there are the sales and purchases we have made this financial year. Also we need to put a figure on work in progress and the stock materials currently held. As you can imagine we hold so many different parts in stock for all the different combinations of  standard and bespoke Air Receivers and quality Pressure Vessels customers may want. Stock-taking this and attributing a cost is a lengthy but necessary process. From every sheet of steel and dished end right down to every single nut and bolt, there is a cost.

Every single nut and bolt needs to be counted!

So as you can imagine it has been a busy time! Not only have we counted the stock we have also updated our stock-taking process. This will make it easier and more efficient moving forwards. When quoting customers, understanding what is in stock at any moment will help with manufacturing lead times we offer.

Investment in equipment

Manufacturing quality Pressure Vessels means that having the right tools for the job is a must. But these big toys cost more than just a bit of pocket money!

This year has seen investment in many new welding machines and rotators to improve manufacture time and efficiency. Our welders love their new toys!

Investment in a new five tonne crane took our crane total to thirteen in the factory now. These range in capacity from 3 tonne to 13 tonne and never sit idle. They are constantly moving Air Receivers and Pressure Vessels around the factory during each stage of manufacture.

Some of the new rotators just delivered

Taking stock as a business

Not only do we physically take stock, we also like to take stock of where we are as an organisation. A time for honest reflection and then forward motion.

What did we do well, and where did we fall short? It has to be an honest conversation because it is only by accepting where we missed the mark that we can make changes for the future. We are always looking to the future and the new benefits we can offer to customers.

Design code benefits

This year has seen a sustained increase in our manufacturing of quality Pressure Vessels to EN13445 and continued requests for ASMEPD5500 and EN286. We are proud to still manufacture to offshore Design Codes ABS, DNV GL and Lloyds Class 1, 2 & 3.

Stainless Steel

Our manufacture of quality Pressure Vessels in Stainless Steel has seen a steady increase. We are pleased to serve this market also for you.

Packing Pressure Vessels to BS1133-8:20011

Another new service introduced is the on-site packing of Pressure Vessels in crates. By offering this service we can make the whole process of getting  Pressure Vessels safely where needed with the minimum of fuss. As some vessels may also be stored on site for long periods of time before installation, a little bit of protection is never a bad idea either!

Change in Accounts department (not of the cash variety!)

This financial year will also be more poignant for a different reason.

Cynthia, who has worked  in Accounts for the last 15 years has finally served her sentence at Abbott! She will be leaving us this October for some very well deserved ‘me time’. Whilst it is an exciting time for her it won’t be without a twinge of sadness either.

Cynthia has seen awkward young men shuffle in as inexperienced trainees and then progress to confident welders. She has arranged an advance on their wages whilst they figured out how to make a weekly wage last, well, a week! Indeed, even on her initial interview for the job our MD Henry bottle fed his then baby son throughout! Now you just don’t get this real life gold anywhere else but in a family business do you?

So what’s in it for you as a customer?

By constantly monitoring the Pressure Vessel market we are able to respond to customer requirements. Manufacturing quality Pressure Vessels that are competitively priced is not only about the end price we charge. We need to fully understanding all the material and production costs along the way. It is easy to offer a cheap and poor quality product but the companies who do this do not stand the test of time. How is that looking after your customer if you are here today and then gone tomorrow?

2020 will mark Abbott & Co. 150 years of manufacture. Will you be part of the story with us for the future? Would you like a quote for a quality Pressure Vessel? Please do get in touch on 01636 704208 or send the enquiry to Alternatively click on the enquiry button below.